Growth Opportunities
Disciples continue to devote ourselves to the reading and study of Scripture and to fellowship.
Listed below are ways to continue growing.

Pastor-Led Bible Study
Wednesday morning Pastor-Led Bible Study via Zoom: Join Pastor Carl at 10:00 am on Wednesday mornings for Bible discussions. To join this Zoom Bible Study, please email Pastor Carl at

Youth Group
Planned monthly activities for children of all ages.

Adult Sunday School
Member led Adult Sunday School class meeting in Beeson Fellowship Hall immediately following Sunday worship service.

Sweet Hour of Prayer
2nd Thursdays of the Month at 7pm
An Evening to Gather and Pray for all women
Location: The home of Molly Pletcher
8184 Palmer Road

Women's Book Club
Tuesdays at 7pm

Rev. Terry Sager’s Bible Study
Thursdays at 6pm

Faith, Hope, Love Quilt Ministry
Meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 10am-noon in quilting room